Beghetto Bots

Custom AI-Powered Tools To Support Creative Teaching, Learning & Research

Brief demo of an ecosystem of AI powered tools I've developed to be used in the AI-Possibility Lab. These tools support awareness of the possible, explore possibilities, refine possibilities for action, and prepare actionable possibilities for implementation.

This custom, interactive AI tool, simulates classroom discussion on any subject areas for any grade level. The goal is to help educators practice identifying and supporting the development of unexpected student ideas into potential creative contributions. Once the conversation starts, you take over the role of the teacher. Following the discussion, you will be provided with an analysis of your responses with suggestions for improvement.

AI Creative Problem Analyzer. A custom AI tool that explores the idea, "The problem contains the solution." This tool takes a problem described by the user, extracts the key concepts and their opposites, and then blends them into potential creative solutions (via Janusian Creative Combination). It also allows users to chat with the various concepts it generates.

Idea Seed (Beghetto, 2024) is a custom bot developed to generate ideas. It is unique in that it allows going 'back in time', visualizing all outputs, connecting previously generated ideas to new chains of thought.

Micro-Moment Analyzer (Beghetto, 2024) is a custom bot to help teachers identify potentially creative micro-moments during class discussion and respond to them differently to support the development of students' creative ideas. You can try it yourself here:

2-Bit Breakdown (Beghetto, 2024) is an as an AI-Powered tool will create a brief (3 - 6 minute) '2-bit' breakdown podcast of any .pdf article or chapter. The AI 'hosts' of the podcast are 'BoniBit" and "BeniBit" who introduce the article, discuss highlights, and offer their own insightful insights with a bit of personality and humor. Contact Ron if you want to try it.


Click on the Image and Description to Link to try some of my other Custom Bots.

Note: These bots require a free OpenAI GPT account.